My father was a baker's delivery boy back in his youth and a customer on his route wanted to fix him up with the great Jewish baseball player Hank Greenberg's niece.
Well my father went to meet this girl and came across this amazing girl swinging on her front stoop. He walked up to her and said "Your going to be my wife someday", she said"your crazy, I don't even know you". Well 61 years later, 4 boys later.......
In WW11 My father was the platoon Officer in charge of paper work. He was the procurement officer. He was in Officer training school with The actor Clark Gable.
During his Pacific area travels he once picked up, Charles Limberg, who flew into the base my father was out. He wasn't impressed.
Dad was telling me to smile |
My parents loved their children. I am the little one.
My father worked at a Glass Shop on Miami beach for Twenty some odd years while my mother raised me. Boy she had her hands full! I was a sickly sort with very bad asthma. Its was quite a challenge for all of us, but a heavy burden for my Mother. It was very heavy for myself as well. Endless hours of laying in a hospital bed off and on in a O2 tent fighting for my very next breath. Than the next for hours.
But somehow I grew out of it over the years.
I took with the experience a love for the Beatles who I played on a 45 over and over "LET IT BE" and "HEY JUDE"
as well as a understanding of what life really is about. I learned at a very young age what people find out at the end of their life. I lived it over and over. I suspect there is always something to take from something else, the whore one door opened another closes. I was sent to the Asthmatic Children's Foundation for a year because it was just to much for mom and dad and they wanted me to get the best help.
In the hospital |
There I learned the compassion of men towards one another as well as the evil men can do to one another. There was a nurse that used to come visit me on her days off, to mentor me, to talk to me about fighting, not giving up the fight for life and the wonders I will see once I got out of the situation I was in. That my parents were pulling for me.
In that hospital , three children with deformities and horrible problems died in my presence. I felt my own mortality. It was scary.
Looking back to the situation I am in today, I will draw upon the things that formulated my spirit from the past, that have fortified me to this very moment in time. I have many people that I have to be thankful in my life for, many many friends that endear themselves to me and many more yet to meet and help in some way.
I hope that this blog and my journey not only is cathartic for myself, but is able to someday help another person, be them young or old. I will speak honestly here here and undoubtedly be judged by others for something I might say. 200 years from now no one will know I existed. Ultimately it matter not what any of us say of does. I try to live by the thought of being kind and honest to others.
To inspire and free the mind of the people I touch. To offer of myself to someone as I was inspired by others that gave to me.